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Rubbermaid lids?

If I am using rubbermaid storage bins, while my crops are still small, is there any reason to believe I could or could not put the lid on the bucket at night to protect from a potential frost? Any pros/cons? Would the lack of air flow be damaging? Would the lid even protect against frost?

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It depends on the “crop” and temperatures. Also, where they are placed — on the ground, sheltered from wind.... or not.

I’m going to update my report on how I’m protecting my tomato plants — this is from a few days ago — Subject: Applestar’s 2018 Garden

I took New/more photos but haven’t uploaded them yet. Stay tuned.

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applestar wrote:It depends on the “crop” and temperatures. Also, where they are placed — on the ground, sheltered from wind.... or not.
They will be on a second floor wooden patio/deck on the western side of the house. Crops include basil, two lettuce varieties, spinach, carrots, and beets. We’re on a tight budget and lost our garden plot we had at our previous residence so we’re limited to containers, and giant rubbermaid tubs is what I could come up with. I would prefer not to use such plastic, but alas.

Re: wind: there is a lattice railing wall type deal around the deck, but it does get pretty windy, especially coming from the southwest. Fingers crossed the freezes are over now, but nighttime temps are still low - high 30’s to low 40’s. Would putting the lids on at night or in particularly windy/rainy weather while the plants are small enough be helpful, or would it hurt them not having adequate air flow/light access? The tubs are clear but the lids are opaque.

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Basil is not going to like those temperatures — should Be above 50 imho... 55 or above to be safe. Everybody else would be fine even without lids I think... in fact I would be more concerned about overheating them — especially lettuce and spinach — with lids on in south-west direct sunlight.

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