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Few different plants

Hello, the plants in the pictures that I uploaded are roughly 3 years old. I only started really showing interest in trying to make them thrive of late. I'm a complete newbie when it comes to plants. I'm actually a lot better at killing them. I've managed to kill a snake plant, dumb cane, and couple other species that I never had the slightest idea what they were.

I noticed with my dumb cane it appears to have a lot less foliage then other dieffenbachia that I've seen in online pictures. Is it the type of species!? Also, the leaves typically are in good condition, except they seem a little more droopy of late. But no conditions have changed. The plant is about 8 feet from a window where it receives indirect light. My only concern is that there is a door nearby. It's rarely used, but it could receive a very cold draft. Also, will this plant need to be trimmed in the near future?

I recently re-potted my peace lily because I had it in a much larger pot than required. I downsized to a 10" pot and have it in some well draining soil now. I also moved it away from the dumb cane and the door. I wonder if the cold might of caused all the brown tips on it. I also just started misting both of the mentioned plants, so hopefully that will help. Regarding the brown tips, am I best to cut the leaves off, or will they be okay? I'm not 100% set on it's new location because it's far from a window, but should receive some light.

Lastly, my rubber plant. It doesn't look anything like it once did. It use to be full. It nearly died awhile back, lost all of it's lower leaves. It's thriving of late, but it's very awkward looking. Any suggestions?

Rubber.jpg (24.15 KiB) Viewed 1463 times
DumbCane.jpg (25.69 KiB) Viewed 1463 times

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Yes, the dieffenbachia is looking quite tall and stretched, which suggests it is not getting enough light. Generally your plants need to be in front of windows, though not so close that they get a cold draft off the window. You can just cut the top off it to encourage more branching.

You mentioned repotting the peace lily. Have you repotted the others? After awhile the soil in containers gets pretty depleted. It helps to keep fertilizing, but that isn't the same as refreshing the soil which can compact. I change out all the soil in all my potted plants about once a year.

The rubber tree can be cut back. Pruning encourages branching and helps keep your plant fuller looking. Cut just above a node where the leaf grows from a stem or where another stem branches out.

The peace lily looks like it might be sitting right in front of a furnace vent. If that is so, hot dry air coming from the furnace would account for the browning.

Do you mist your house plants? Houses get so dry in winter, especially cold winters like this where the furnace has to keep running a lot. I find my house plants really benefit from daily (or as close to daily as I can manage) misting.

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Okay, I'll try moving the dieffenbachia. I'm very limited for light here. The houses are very tight together and the Winter months are nasty here. The dieffenbachia and the peace lily have both just been re-potted for the third time. The rubber plant likely hasn't been re-potted in 18 months or slightly longer. I've been leaving it alone since it started doing well again, but I intended to pot it in the next week or so. I wanted to learn a little bit more about it before doing so. Regarding pruning and propagation, both I have never really touched on.

I actually never fertilized any of my plants before. I just bought some 20-20-20 plant food for the dieffenbachia and I was going to try it with the peace lily as well. I found some conflicting information regarding the peace lily with fertilizing or not.

As for the furnace vent, the peace lily was just moved there two days ago. I've been keeping a close eye on the vent and the lily, doesn't seem to be any heat coming from it. I just started misting my plants two weeks ago. I've been misting them probably 2x/week. I appreciate the feedback. Thanks

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Here are some helpful hints for the spathiphyllum (peace lily)


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Hello all!
Just purchased this dumb cane (1st picture) about two weeks ago. Directions say to give it bright filtered light.. well I did so and the leaves are drooping and the plant is not full and standing upright like when I got it. I feel as if indirect would be better..I think it's possible it may have been a bit over watered as well, some leaves were yellowing. I'm aware it's not dying (yet), but I don't want it to end up like my second one. (The second plants roots and yellow/brown and dried out. Should I just throw it out or is there still hope?)
Any advice would really be appreciated!!

Pictures are out of order, sorry!
Dumb cane two.jpg
Dumb Cane 1.jpg

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The dumb cane or any plant with variegated leaves needs a little more light, but it needs to be gradually moved out or it will burn. Once it has been conditioned it will do fine. Don't over water.

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