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Houseplant with browning leaves

Hello! I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what's wrong with one of my houseplants.

First, I'm not sure what kind of plant it is, so any identification would be helpful!

Second, the tips on one of the leaves is very brown (this photo was taken a few days ago, and already half of that leaf is dry and brown). There are a few other leaves on the plant with brown tips, although the browning seems to be staying just at the edges, for now. I don't water it until the soil is dry and I try to mist it with water every day or two to keep the humidity up. It's still in the original container because I'm a little nervous to repot it until I know what the browning issues are related to.
Any thoughts, guidance, or help would be very appreciated!

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

How long has the plant been in the pot? If you are watering in the pot and not taking the pot out and flushing water through the pot, you can get an accumulation of salt and the tips of leaves will burn like that. If you look at the drain holes of the plant pot you will see the white residue from the accumulated salts.

Repotting may help, flushing the pot once a week rather than just watering in the pot would be better for the plant. The plant tolerates low light but the variegations on the leaves would show up better if it was in better light.You would need to move it to more light slowly and give it time to adapt.

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