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please help with peach tree!

hey y’all, first time gardener here.
my husband and I bought a peach tree a few weeks ago, (I believe the specific type is florida king or florida queen). we planted it in the ground as per the instructions given and for the first little while it was doing great! all the little blossoms turned in to peaches. we were thrilled! however, we noticed about a week and a half ago, the leaves have started to droop, gradually turn yellow and are falling off. nothing we’ve tried has been able to bring them back. I don’t see any signs of insecs or anything. does anybody have any suggestions? we are in south texas. thank you in advance for any advice! xo

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Are you located in Florida? I know it’s been raining lot there. If not, have you been watering the tree?

What kind of instruction did you get for the initial care?

I want to say the tree might need a little initial pruning... hmmm was it in a container? balled and burlapped? bareroot?

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it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to remove all the fruit this year, to let it put more energy into growing roots so it gets more firmly established in its new home.

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