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Can my tree be saved?

My husband surprised me with a Japanese Maple tree this past May. Something I have wanted for years. I had read it was best to put it in a well drained area and it only likes morning sun. Being it is extremely hot in our front yard where it would get morning sun I decided to buy a large pot and place it on our back porch. It would get about 3 hrs of afternoon sun there, but at the same time be filtered by a screen. Within the last month my tree is not doing well. The leaves are turning brown and wilting; yet they are not dry as to crumble in my hand. I used cedar chips at the bottom of the pot, then Miracle Grow potting soil, then a small layer of the cedar chips on top to keep it from drying out. I would like to send a picture, but not sure if I have done it correctly. Please tell me, is there anything I can do to save my tree? Thank you for any help you can provide.



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Hi Linda :D

Not sure about the info. you have regarding morning sun. As far as I was aware they did not like morning sun as it scorched the leaves. Dew is still on the leaves and when the sun hits them it causes them to brown. That aside, the main reason for browning but not crispy leaves is too much water. You mention using Miracle Grow potting soil. Personally I hate Miracle Grow 'anything' with a vengeance.
You need a free draining but moisture retentive compost.
Imagine your tree in its natural conditions. It is on the edge of a forest/woods with lots of other trees in the vicinity sucking all the moisture out of the ground...but there is also lots of leaf cover on the ground around your tree from said other trees. These are the conditions you have to emulate in your pot. Dry soil that contains large amounts of leaf litter which stops the soil drying out completely. One of the hardest things to copy but the requirements of a lot of plants that compete for water in their natural setting.
Let your pot dry out a bit more between watering and place it somewhere it will only get sun after 3pm. Dappled shade is best for acers although purple leafed varieties can tolerate a little more.
I hope that is helpful and reasonably coherent. I have been drinking champagne this morning. My son is 18!!!!!! :oops: :lol:

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Morning sun is no good ,you also said your acer is in a pot if so you need a good acidic compost with added pea gravel to give good drainage you can then keep the compost damp BUT NOT WET, I keep most of my acers in pots you can see them at my website which is

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Thank you so much for your advise.
Should I repot the tree this time of year using a better compost and pea gravel for better drainage or should I wait and let it dry out for now and repot at a later date? If the tree is going to survive will new growth appear where the leaves are now brown?

Do you recommend any certain name brand of compost as I don't know one from the other. I usually buy my planting supplies at Lowes

I am so excited to have found my new gardening friends. The nurseries around here know nothing about Japanese Maples and have been no help to me.

Jess, congrats to your son turning 18. Raise a glass in his honor for me.
koiboy01, your gardens are breathtaking.

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I would leave it for now just place it somewhere in the shade away from the sun then early next year depending on what weather you get where you live, before the buds start to pop repot it in a mixture of ericacious compost (acidic) which you can buy from your local garden centre and pea gravel, aprox 55% compost 45% pea gravel.

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A search on Google using the parameters "Japanese Maple" + culture yielded this in-depth discussion. You may be fighting an uphill battle in the south with this tree:

Good luck; maybe the weather (are you in Atlanta?) will break soon.

Cynthia H.
USDA Zone 9, Sunset Zone 17

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