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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Is this BER?

I went out to pick tomatoes yesterday. The ripe ones were o.k. but the ones just coloring up all had this brown discoloration on the bottoms. This variety is Warrior, it is a determinate TYLCV resistant tomato I am growing for the first time. I don't know if it is heat resistant, but it has not been that hot averaging 78 degrees on most days to about 81 degrees. It should not be hot enough to cause heat stress. However, this tomato may be in re-used soil. I do have issues with potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc in reused soil.

There was a little radial cracking on one tomato

The weather has been off and on rain again and the fruit are getting smaller.

I wonder could this be the beginning of BER? When I looked it up on the internet, it comes closest to BER. I don't think it is a virus because the leaves are not showing issues. I usually don't get BER when temperatures are this cool. If it was too much rain I would have seen concentric cracking.

I have finally got the kmag, so I am going to start feeding the containers more of the kmag and more calcium in dolomite. I can also give it more granite dust. It may take a few weeks to see if the plants improve from the increased mineralization.

If it is not BER what else could it be?

Super Green Thumb
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Location: Woodbury NJ Zone 7a/7b

Hopefully it's a brief BER, which I have some varieties get only in the beginning, then they start producing normally. And one I had do this last season - that Oaxacan Jewel - would produce several to a cluster that would cause this, so I started pinching off all but 3, and they wouldn't get the BER then! Eventually I think the roots get strong enough to support whatever is on the plant. It doesn't seem to be a nutrient problem, as nothing is changing. I've had some varieties that got BER on every fruit, and it never stopped, and eventually I'd pull the plants.

Posts: 14056
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

I forgot to post the picture of the fruit

Thanks Pepperhead. I rarely get BER unless it is on fruit that is not heat tolerant. I have never seen those get BER when it hasn't even been hot. I hope this is temporary thing. This is the first time I have seen this even on fruit that get BER.

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