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Identification and help

Can anyone I'D this tomato type? It looks different from other types I am used to seeing. I bought a few weeks ago and transplanted I to garden, now leaves are yellowing but my other types look fine.

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I thought you were asking what variety and was going to say that's impossible to tell -- but if you are asking about the leaves, this plant has Potato Leaf type leaves. A very typical variety with PL foliage is Brandywine.

I'm seeing some excessive white fuzzy stuff at the base of the stem -- looks like fungal growth. Has it been rainy? Too much watering? The woody stuff -- mulch or maybe soil mix with insufficiently composted woody matter -- is probably promoting fungal growth. Make sure to keep mulch away from the stem.

The yellowed and spotty appearance looks like there were some fungal spores that would also affect the tomato plant.
I would clip off the affected leaf and spray the mulch, stem area and foliage with some kind of fungal treatment -- alcohol, straight or diluted peroxide, baking soda and oil solution, or something commercial. Once under control, spray with milk solution for preventive.

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Thank you so much...I think they are brandywine, I lost the id tags. The white stuff is actually cornmeal- I was trying to deter a slug invasion. I will move all the mulch away, and plan to spray with neem oil.

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