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Brown on my tomatoes

I've read through so many of these posts and can't seem to find photos that quite resemble my plant. I bought three types of tomatoes, one for each of my children. I let them pick it out. One of the plants is now developing these spots and my child is so bummed out. Is there any hope of me saving it?

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To me this doesn't look like a disease but more like a chemical burn or oil burn. Was the plant sprayed with something?

Is it hot where you are?

...how much of the plant is affected? Whatever it is, the damaged leaves will attract pests and diseases even if they are not diseased. So first thing to do is remove all the browned leaves no matter what caused it, but I'm wondering how much reserve healthy leaves this plant has. Depending, you may have to remove the fruits to conserve the plant's energy and let it focus on recovering and growing new leaves.

...in case this plant fails, you might consider taking a cutting from one of the other plant's sucker branch and rooting it. It might be a good way for your kids to share as well as a fun science experiment. :wink:

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It does look like a burn of some kind. Or maybe it was diseased when you purchased the plant. I agree about trimming the leaves. It will either make it or not, and you will know very quickly. You might want to buy a 'just in case' plant.

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Actually, I do think it is bacterial. The large brown patches are pronounced on the margins but some are also angular and there are some brown streaks on the other leaves. Then there are the yellow haloes surrounding the brown spots.

https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/vege ... er/leaves/

If it was raining and it was humid for a while after the rain stopped or the plants are watered overhead, it is easy for this to be a problem, especially if the plants don't dry off easily and air circulation is poor.

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