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Garden Hose Filter for Chlorine & Other Chemicals?

Does anyone know where I can purchase a good filter to put on my garden hose that will filter out chemicals, such as chlorine, etc., that are in city water?


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I've never seen one in stores, but then maybe I don't hang out in the right kind of stores. Here's one advertised on line:

I've put chlorinated water on my garden for years and I can't tell that it's had ill effects, but I don't have a control group of unchlorinated garden to compare it to, so who knows...

If you have something particular you are worried about the tap water affecting, if you set a bucket of water out for 24 hrs, the chlorine evaporates out of it.

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the problems of chlorinated water are exascerbated by container-growing, since it leaches nutrients out...I guess it makes sense that in-ground growing avoids that problem somewhat.

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Lowes sells a whole house filter that removes several chemicals including chlorine. It hooks up to a garden hose on both the inlet and outlet.You'll need to modify a short section of hose so it has 2 female ends if I remember correctly. We put one on our boat because marina water was always suspect to me.

It was relatively cheap [under $50 with 2 filter replacements] and the couple of brass fittings and teflon tape you'll need to install it.

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thanks for your responses.

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Anyone purchased or have experience using these type of garden hose filters? I was thinking about purchasing one, but didn't know if anyone had gained any useful info since the last post in 2009.

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I personally haven't used one, though I have looked into it a bit. Theoretically speaking, chlorine is bad for organic gardening because it will kill off bacteria, good and bad, and you want the bacteria to thrive in the soil. Anyway, some garden hose filters may be able to remove chlorine, if that is what your city treats their water with, however in Austin(and in many major cities nowadays) chloramine is used and is much more stable, therefore harder to remove. For this I need to install a whole house filter type setup, with a specific activated charcoal filter, and it gets pretty expensive, so if that's the case, I would consider installing a good rain catchment system if possible, which is what I am doing... rainwater is always the best :)

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Eco One and Pure Water Fun are hose end filters. They are primarily carbon filters that remove about 90% of Chlorine, metals and contaminants from tap water. They are not as efficient as reverse osmosis filters but pretty good. You need to see how many gallons of water the filter will process when you look at price. :mrgreen:

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I use rain barrels and the garden hose and I find no difference at all. But if you want to take the chlorine out just pick up a simple filter housing and a carbon filter at one of the big box stores. Carbon is what's used to remove chlorine color and odor. It will also act as a micron rated filter. The micron rating will vary by filter and it will be listed on the filter the smaller the rating the more it will remove.

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I live in a part of Florida with some very distasteful water, city or well.
We are on the municipal system. If you take a sample of it to a pool store and have it tested, they'll say your ok on chlorine:)

Like most people here, we have a whole house conditioner, so the water is really clean.
When we first had the system installed I replaced our old water heater to start fresh.
When I attempted to drain it, it was about 1/8 full of scale and who-knows-what.
I busted it open with an axe and it looked like blue seashells and barnacles inside.

We decided to get a bigger tank last year and when I drained the one that has seen nothing but conditioned water,
it drained in a few minutes and was completely hollow.

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imafan26 wrote:Eco One and Pure Water Fun are hose end filters.
Are they easy to install?

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