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Help! What is wrong with my zucchini plants?

I am a first time zucchini Gardner and am attempting to grow vertically in a square foot raised bed. These guys were planted from purchased starts. Pretty soon after transplanting they started to get almost ash-like sections on their leaves. Now, they are turning yellow! I have used good organic soil and fertilizer. Shortly after planting, we had a nasty wind/cold/rain spell. Is there any hope or should I start over by direct sowing?

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It sounds like powdery mildew. It is easier to prevent than control. When the weather gets humid and wet, it is best to spray. I also find using a horticultural oil before it rains helps to repel the water off the leaves. ... -pumpkins/

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Yep imafan explained the trouble you had. I also spray with milk and water solution. Preventative and proactive response is needed. It's usually a losing battle with more question of how much already developing fruits can you harvest before the plant goes completely, than hopes of saving it.

So re-seeding may be a good idea.

Sometimes late planting can avoid Squash Vine Boreres.

I'm a bit unsure that you can grow zucchini vertically. Zucchini and yellow squash plants are big and thick stemmed ground crawling tanks with hollow leaf stems that kink and break very easily. Not much support from tendrils or flexibility at all. It's possible to get them to go up an easy inclined wire fencing ramp but I don't think they can go vertical.

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Do you have a wood chips or saw dust mixed in your soil? Also what state are you in?

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I have only grown bush zucchini Black Beauty. It does not climb.

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