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Seasonal Allergies - Do you get them? Remedies to share?

applestar wrote:

...As mentioned elsewhere, I’ve been sick in bed for the past 3 days. Air quality warnings didn’t help. . too dizzy with fever to actually go outside
Sounds like allergies???

I have suffered with allergies 50 years about 3 years ago I finally discovered the miracle cure.

Benadryl, will stop the bodies allergic reaction to all the things in the air that we breath in that makes us sick and food allergies too. These make me sleepy I only take them at before bed every night.

Mucinex, I take these every morning as needed, again at lunch time if needed, again at dinner time if needed. This gets rid of allergy symptoms too and makes me feel good all day.

Zyrtec and Xyzal are both dry up the sinus medicine. I take Zyrtec for a month then Xyzal for a month then Zyrtec again for a month over and over.

The science to why we get sick and stay sick has to do with the stuff we breath in, it sticks to the inside your our nose and stays there and gets worse as we continue to breath in more. Doctor told me to get a squirt water bottler or make one by punching a hole in the cap of a 16 ounce soft drink bottle with an ice pick. Fill bottle while 100 degree water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Stray that in your nose to clean out all the pollen and mold spores that are stuck in there. Wipe out with a paper towel is even better.

Daily maintenance will keep you well and feeling much better.

One last things most doctors will NEVER tell you for fear of a law suite. Alcohol has the ability to clean your blood. Alcohol will remove stuff in the blood that does not belong there. Doctors will tell you not to drink alcohol with your medication but they will never tell you why. Alcohol removes your medication too. Often I can drink a small 3 or 4 ounce glass of wine and feel 95% better with no medication at all. The Bible says, take a little wine for the stomach, wonder why it says that?

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I've had allergy problems in the past; sinus infections that is. I haven't had them in the past two years, thank goodness. I noticed they came on right after someone mowed so I figured I was allergic to some weed.

I guess the alcohol in the wine is a relaxant or painkiller maybe? I know during the western days, injured men were given whiskey to help with their pain. I learned that from watching Rawhide. Jesus drank wine at someone's wedding in the Bible, so obviously He saw it as an ok drink. (as long as you don't drink too much)

For my sinus infection I always take the antibiotic amoxillin(if I spelled that right). Someone had told me if you eat local honey, you're less bound to get sinus problems. Don't know if it's true or not.

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I only have allergy to papaya sap. I just stay away from it.
I have some food intolerances, I don't know if they would be classified as allergies.
I'm glad I don't have a lot of pollen allergies. This would be a bad place for that.

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Didn't used to but for the past several years whatever it is I have it. Hay fever without hay? Sinus drainage now all year long. Musinex seems to help.

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I do get allergies - particularly sensitive to chenopods/ragweed which will be starting soon, but a little later than this. However, it doesn’t help that the pollen and other air pollution is in the Orange when I’m already sick, especially involving sinus or other respiratory issues.

I’ve taught my children to wash hands thoroughly and gargle at least 3X upon coming inside after going outside.

For myself, I also wash my face, eyes/lashes, and bangs which I think traps pollen and such. I agree 100% to rinsing nasal passages, though my methods are even lower tech.

I use homeopathic remedies equivalent to antihistamine as well as remedies for individual specific symptoms, and herbal tinctures like echinacea in case of infection with good results. The elderflowers that I made syrup/cordial from were fantastic timely harvest — the syrup/cordial diluted with ice water or sparkling water makes soothing and refreshing light drink when you are sick. Later on, I will make elderberry syrup/cordial and/or jellies and also from blackberries.

But this one was different — viral infection with severe sinus infection — I.e. “head cold” — trying to keep it from sliding down into my lungs and secondary infection now. Sea salt and cooled green tea gargle and nasal rinse when infection is severe, as well as a special blended antiseptic and anti-inflammation tincture (echinacea, oregano, thyme, myrrh, ... can’t remember what else ...maybe cinnamon or cloves) that is absolutely amazing for infected gums can be used for oral rinse and also extremely diluted for nasal rinse/post nasal gargle.

Definitely take vitamins and mineral supplements — your body’s defenses can’t function without proper ammo and fuel. If there is a shortage, then systems use alternate/secondary rather than the primary functions which can also lead to reactionary defenses. Allergies are mostly hypersensitive defense mechanism. I’ve described it to my children as bunch of minions running around in panic for no reason. Reducing potential allergens in my home has helped me. My allergist describes it as “the last straw on the camel’s back” when my body goes haywire.

Ooh and contact dermatitis allergies — used to get very bad reaction to poison ivy. I posted about some of my new techniques elsewhere — whether those are helping or my body has stopped reacting as excessively, I only had minor outbreaks this spring even after definite contact. I love cashew nuts, but I avoid eating them while undergoing poison ivy reactions.

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My step-dad is highly reactive to poison ivy. He can't go near it even if it's burning.

I never thought of pollen getting stuck on your lashes and eyebrows. I'm embarrassed and ashamed to say I have a touch of eyebrow dandruff.(what's causing it, I don't know) I also have acne which I'm guessing is being caused by my oily complexion and no matter WHAT I wash my face with, Proactive even, it refuses to go away completely. I hate my face.

I know someone that told me they were allergic to tomatoes. They can eat ketchup because there's no seeds in it, but she cannot eat an actual tomato.

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Benadryl works for most allergies as an emergency treatment, but it does make me drowsy afterwards. I do use masks if there is a lot of dust in the air. It does help if you have a fine mask that is designed for pollution and pollen.

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I get various allergies, on and of, when various types of trees and grasses put out their pollen in the spring. Also when mold is high, during very rainy times. Some fall allergies, but spring is worst for me. Zyrtec works best for me.

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Oh BTW my sea salt for gargling (and nasal rinsing) is infused with Greek Oregano tincture I made a few years ago. It’s damp from the infused oil and looks somewhat greenish — it’s lasted a long time since I only need something like 1/8 tsp at a time.

I need to replenish the supply in the bathroom after this bout.

...and -Haha- I’m starting to feel like a hedge witch or something after reading everybody else’s posts... My primary allergy symptoms are fatigue, drowsiness and narcolepsy to begin with, so I can’t take meds that cause them as (benign?!) side effects ... and since impaired liver function is suspected, nothing that negatively impacts liver or kidneys.

But this is good! I didn’t expect so many responses — I guess a fair number of us plow through those allergy symptoms and go out there in the garden regardless. :D

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Sometimes, the allergy symptoms can worsen into sinus infection ...and what I call “squeezing helmet of pain” headaches. So bad that nothing works and it’s impossible to will yourself to sleep and recover.

I only take homeopathic remedies, so I won’t get into headache/pain meds, but, on those occasions, crushed ice pack sandwich — under the neck and draped over the forehead — is what helps me the most. 2 one gallon zip freezer bags — thinly filled so you could fold the bag over in half, doubled with 2nd bag to minimize leaking (but be prepared with a replacement pillow and use a doubled bath towel on the pillow), wrapped in thin wash cloth (not too thick or will insulate the cold too much … thin cotton dish towels and tea towels... cotton bandanna … but too thin would get too icy too fast) Be careful to remove before skin is affected. Also FREEZE a bunch of moistened washcloths that could be use as needed.

Mostly I can finally sleep …usually the one on my forehead slides off because I’m a side sleeper, and the under neck one will have melted into bag of warm water by the time I wake up refreshed.

For milder headaches or if I can’t be taking a nap, especially when it’s hot, I find it helps to just wet my bangs with cold water... sometimes, I wet my bangs, then that feels so good I can’t resist soaking the top of my head, and then hair/scalp over my ears... and then I might as well just wet the back of my head, too. :lol:

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Not sure if you can view this ...I have the required iOS app... but it was kind of fun to watch:

Cells at Work! Episode 5, Cedar Pollen Allergies, - Watch on Crunchyroll ... ies-774887’ll have better idea of what’s going on if you watched from the first episode...

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Do you use room air filters, cool mist humidifiers, or HEPA filter vacuum cleaners (bag or canister collector?)? Why or why not?

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2 days in a row I have been sick in bed. I wake up 6 am feeling dizzy & tired then 2 hours later I am feeling so terrible I take Mucinex and go to bed for 3 hours. Today I stagger round like a drunk the world is spinning and it takes me a while to get to feeling like doing something but not anything physical. Yesterday & today I sat at the kitchen counter & canned tomatoes for 2 hours. Today I learned there is a generic Mucinex it costs $2.98 instead if $10.98 I bought 2 packs it saved me $18.

I am getting better at doctoring myself. I use to see a good allergy doctor until he retired. Before he retired he told me lots of good things to remember and how to doctor myself. Now when I get ear infections I still had to get medication but Doctor Singer insisted there is no such thing as a sinus infection she told me to ear more nuts & berries and refused to give me medicine. Doctor Poke was just as bad he said, if your going to continue to live in TN you need to learn to stay well he refused to give medication for sinus infection too. One of the new allergy doctors in town is only interested in getting Rich he gives only enough medication to make you feel a little better to keep you returning so he makes more money. The other new allergy doctor in town is a jerk he would spend 90% of his time telling me how smart he is and how he was top student in medical school. Stay away from young doctors they need to feed their ego & make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Last edited by Gary350 on Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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So sorry to hear you're not feeling well! What crummy doctors!
All they want is your money so they can buy fancy cars and a huge house and live in the lap of luxury. Me, I do good to afford the soil I put in my garden. You need to ask your doctors why they are doctors if they won't give you medicine.

@Gary350, can you buy local honey in your area? Somebody told me if you eat local honey, it helps build your resistance to allergies. If that's true, I don't know. Can you get an allergy test and find out what causes you to get sick?

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