Posts: 14064
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Bonsai rescued

I accidentally knocked my bonsai off the stand and broke the terra cotta pot it was in. I had it when I break terra cotta. I had just repotted it because it looked so bad in the old pot (that was a ceramic pot). I ended up losing more of the root ball and I hurriedly replanted it into a resin bulb bowl. I guess it was a lucky accident. It lost even more of the root ball, but it rained for pretty much 4 days off and on, so it did not go into transplant shock. It is even looking better and putting on new growth. I even had to trim some of the leaves. Bougainvillea usually does not like to have its roots disturbed. I was lucky that the bougie actually not only did not suffer from the accidental loss of a third of its' root mass, but is actually thriving. The bad part is that now I have to find another pot for it.

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