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Jack pine needles darkening. Mites? Normal wintering?

My nearly one year old jack pine recently underwent a darkening of its needles. They're not exactly turning brown, but rather becoming glossier, gray-ish green. This change coincided with significantly cooler winter weather, so I'm hoping it's a normal seasonal adaptation. That said, the last time I watered it, I noticed tiny white bugs in it's soil, and that worries me. I am aware pines are outdoor trees. While this one mostly lives indoors, it stays in a room that is only slightly warmer than the outdoor environment. I also use indoor lighting to supplement, and give it time outside when the wind permits. I have also decreased watering with the change in seasons.

Current picture with darker needles and one from 5-6 weeks earlier, before the change. Any, all advice greatly appreciated.
Current, darkened
Current, darkened

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

I don't think you have enough light. Gradually move the plant into more light or add a grow light. Increase the exposure slowly since no plant likes to have sudden changes in light. The pot is too big for a plant that size. It looks like you have moss and algae on the surface of the soil. People do plant moss on purpose, but algae is usually a sign of a saucer being kept under the plant and not kept dry.

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