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New Bonsai Owner questions

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:39 pm
by Chri2878
Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum and had a few questions to ask if I may in regards to my bonsai trees.

I have been reading many things on various sites about trimming and overall growing bonsai trees and find it all to be fairly confusing. About 2 years ago, I received a bonsai from seed kit. Since that time, I have had 4 different species of bonsai trees grow. I have two species of pine trees which remain small at this time since they are only 2 years out.

On the other side, I have a delonix Regia and a jacaranda mimosfolia. Both of these have grown well and are my primary concerns for continuing their growth and keeping them healthy.

I apologize if I sound stupid but I guess my question is, when do I begin trimming their branches? Both trees are over a foot tall, growing straight up and I haven’t a clue on where/when it’s appropriate to trim branches to keep them small and maybe eventually start to have them grow in fun ways. Any help or guidance is appreciated.

Re: New Bonsai Owner questions

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:48 am
by imafan26
Usually, you need to grow out the tree from seed for at least 3 years before you start to consider training. The best thing to do now is to keep the trees healthy and make sure they have enough light all around so they do not get too lanky. I usually start by reducing the root mass and put them in a smaller training pot first, once they have grown out. I have not done topwork with those trees. Jacaranda is a beautiful tree to work with.

I usually start with a starter nursery tree. I look for one with a good shape or has some character. I usually let the tree dictate the style. Once I reduce the root, then I do some trimming and wiring of the main branches to create the layers. I do a lot of pinching and waiting to see what direction the new branch is growing. Shaping is not done in a day.

Every tree is unique and sometimes you have to change the style more than once. If there is a bonsai society near you, consider joining. Usually, you can bring your tree and get help from the sensei on how to to style your tree. That is what I am doing with my bougainvillea. It had been growing in my back yard for over 20 years and it did not die when I dug it up so I decided to put it in a pot and train it. I have not worked with bonsai before and I was told is is not not and easy one like a juniper or geometry tree, so I am getting help with it from the bonsai society.