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yeah.. we had abnormally warmer temps through most of october.. but they dropped quickly at the end of the month and are staying cold now. it really sucks for me because I work for a utility company (lineman) and work outdoors all year round. it is a edited to keep clothes for 80deg weather with -30deg weather at the same time ready to use :lol:

putting the trees in the ground today.. I should put holes in the bottom of the foam for draining right? I have a humidity tray for the juniper but not for the elm. do I have to have one for the elm during this winter? or will something happen to it?

thanks for the help Alex! you really know your stuff!


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Location: Central Oklahoma

Yes, holes in bottom of styrofoam - ya do not want *any* water 'pooling' anywhere - ever :) Any deciduous tree (like elm) does not require much of anything when 'asleep'.

A bit confused on humidity mean for in-ground/buried-pot things?? If so, not at all. Any evergreen slows waaaaay down when its really cold, and just a tad when its 'moderately cold, no humidity tray ever needed outside in winter - just be sure to not overwater the evergreen(s), sometimes only needed *maybe* once a month (just check once a week maybe - even if just to say "hi-how are ya?" to the trees, LOL).

On further thought, you may be better off removing the entire bottom of the 'foam' box - you *will* get warmth from Mother Earth into the box this way. In Winter, Earth *will* warm things upon it (think igloo here - does not get below freezing in there, and ground is actually warmer than the air (right??)) Even permafrost above Arctic Circle only goes so far down! ;) The issue you are combatting is the cold that would be going into the pot from above-ground sides and especially from above - cold air 'drops/sinks', remember? You will also not have to worry about water pooling and/or freezing within pot(s) this way. Make sense?

In a way, I feel you are kinda overthinking this a bit, but I fully understand your 'nervousness'. Trust Mother Earth here - she's been keeping roots warm a loooong time, 'eh?! ;) A survivalist's first rule of staying 'warm/un-frozen' when stranded in ~Arctic conditions? Get underground! So....just get the roots/soil underground & covered, my friend - and the juniper is practically freeze-proof on above-ground growths, fwiw. Think of the stuff that lives on bare rock way up high on mountain-tops and gets VERY old while doing so - Mother Earth is there for 'em!

One more thing: thank you for being 'out there' taking care of power when all of us gripe, whine, and moan endlessly when lights go out from ice-storms or such. You do not have the option of 'going underground', LOL!! Seriously, *I* appreciate ya, and all of your cohorts - please pass it on, OK?


Cool Member
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Location: INDIANA

thanks Alex.. there aren't alot of people out there that have any concept as to what all is involved in providing (service to customers). Most are just happy to shoot first and ask ?'s later :lol: A utility infrastructure is quite an undertaking that is backbreaking and dangerous. Many people have died on the job to provide customers with the things they take for granted like.. electricity, phone.. dsl.. ect..

again thanks alot!

darn temp today was 60 deg F.. wtf! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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We ran A/C here today. In frig*** mid-November! At least am not having to start paying for Natural Gas yet, LOL!

You keep your butt safe 'up there', please, Ken. I have CT'd/X-rayed one too many folks that did not think they neededthat safety-strap hooked up ;) Never met someone stronger or smarter than *gravity*, haha. Humpty Dumpty fall down....

My issue(s) with elec companies are never with the 'help', its those darned overpaid underworked admin people. My local 'co-op' intentionally refuses to provide large-print bills/anything relevant to such for my legally-blind wife who takes care of most 'financials'. Rural-service part of USDA is all over this currently ;) I am hoping they lose their ability to get the loans they so depend on to purchase elec 'units'!!! I have them denying/refusing such request(s) with impunity (and even laughing at myself and wife for her blindness (grrrr!!) from myself & her in writing, verbally (taped conversations), and refusing to answer multiple e-mails , from the 'clerks at front counter to the head-honcho himself - oops, caught red-handed lying in multi-documented ways. They (Canadian Valley Co-Op of Seminole, Oklahoma) are guilty as guilty can be, and they know it - it was so nice to send them a copy of the original complaint which shut their arrogant butts up VERY fast, hehehe. B*st*rds...pardon my Fr*n*h. I am also telling everyone they associate with about their hatred of handicapped persons, including the minister of the churches most of them attend. Did not go over well with their church leaders, I bet, when they read of their 'customers' being so prejudiced against the 'meek'. And these are folks that played 'preaching' tapes loudly from their offices everytime I was within the main office-building. What hypocrites, IMO. Small towns and such gossip/news mix very well :) I won't speak to the local newspaper about it just yet as I want more info from the 'investigation' so it can be more fully revealed as to the extent of the harm they inflict upon such persons. Sorry for the rant, but elec companies except for those doing the grunt-stuff (the real work involved), of course, can be rather irritating at times, LOL and certainly less important than they make themselves out to be most often, IME.


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